Thursday 31 October 2019

Story - The Wrong Trousers

I could see she wasn't happy.

"What's up?"
"You look fed up."
"Anything I've done?"
"No. It's not you."
"So someone else then?"
"Not sure. Not really. Just feeling a bit useless. Old."
"You're not old. You're younger than everyone we know, even the younger ones. And there's
loads of stuff you could do to feel useful. Paint. Make jewellery. Knit."
"I know. Just don't feel like doing any of that stuff."
"Want to go out for a walk? We need stuff from the veg shop."
"No, you go. Looks too wet."
"Don't like leaving you like this. What else is on your mind?"
"Just wondering what the future holds."
"Is it that book you're reading getting you down?"
"Maybe. All they do is sit around and moan. Nobody does anything. We don't seem to do
anything either."
"Don't we? Am I spending too much time in my shed?"
"No, that's not fair, I know how much you enjoy what you're doing, and I like seeing the
things you come up with. But we haven't done much together recently. Not even
watching telly. Though I did enjoy last night, it was worth staying up for.”
"Yeah, I love it that we both get so much out of those programmes. And we did go to the
film last week. And went for lunch on Friday. Had Sheila and Graham to dinner at the
weekend, and we've got the other crowd coming this week. And there's Vienna soon.
Loads to look forward to."
"I know, I know. It's just me being.... whatever."
"Feel like you're getting a bug or anything?"
"No, and my cold has just about gone now. It's just something about me, today. It'll pass."
"Wish I could help it pass quicker. What kicked it off? You know, feeling this way?"
"Not comfortable with myself. Clothes don't fit, feel shabby and old."
"I said before how good it was to see that top again, it’s always been one of your best."
"But it's these trousers. Look."
She pulled her top up to show me the gathered fabric underneath, accordioned together
by a tightly pulled belt.
"See? I had to put a belt on, they don't fit me any more. All this..... stuff" she said, tugging at the newly revealed folds of material.
"That's good though, shows how much you've trimmed down. Good for your joints, isn't it?"
"Maybe, but I feel a mess. I should be throwing them out if they don't fit."
"Do that then. Go and change and put them in the charity shop bag."
What's the point?”
Maybe they're what's getting you down? Maybe they're depressing trousers.”
She looked dubious.
Then determined.
And walked out of the room.

She returned five minutes later , blue jeans stretched tight across her hips.
They look more cheerful. Sexy.”

She smiled.

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